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About us

5.5min reading

Umara was founded in 2013 by biomedical students Tommy Ivarsson, MSc, and Simon Gustavsson, BSc, who studied Biomedicine with a focus on nutrition and the body’s ability to perform. We are both quite happy athletes with an understanding of sports, as we are runners, cyclists, skiers, triathletes, swimrunners, and more – we can say we are multisport athletes.

We are specialists in nutrition/energy for endurance sports. With the help of science, experience from athletes, and our ability to weave together theory and practice, we develop optimized sports nutrition to help you perform at your individual best. Anyone can reach the next level where nutrition is one of many important tools.


“We believe everyone benefits from physical activity with sports goals that inspire. We believe that people are inspired to be active through a sense of control, that they have what it takes to reach their goals.

We get more people active by helping them perform better with knowledge, inspiration, and scientifically-based products.

We develop sports nutrition and educate on how we can reach our highest potential as athletes. We communicate directly through digital education in the form of podcasts, videos, and articles, as well as wonderful ambassadors. We live as we teach and strive to be the best example we can possibly be by practicing what we advocate.”

Umara People

Product Development

Umaras product development team today consists not only of Simon and Tommy, but also of multiple biomedically trained individuals and athletes who are passionate about performance. Whenever we want to discuss new products and their development, the combined expertise is just around the corner. This is to ensure that what we create is always optimized, as when it comes to performance, we believe that only the best is good enough.

IT & Media

Within IT and web, we have in-house competence through our triathlete Erik Arenhill, who is the man developing and managing most of what falls under the digital domain. He is called a full-stack software engineer in the IT field, which surely means something nice. He is quite skilled at coding, as we say who are not in that field. Johan Linhart is also a triathlete and cyclist who ensures that all content is 100%. Besides being an awesome photographer, Johan is highly competent in project management and ensures that Umara stays focused on what is most important at the moment. 

Ambassadors, Marketing & Content

Here we have the cyclist and sports scientist David Hansson. He works on writing articles, providing product information, planning events, and overall visibility of Umara across the country. He has studied Sports Science and holds a master's degree in sports and performance. He is just as nerdy and well-read as the rest of us and fits like a glove—ready to help you with whatever you need.

Logistics & Orders

Here works Albin Andersson, who takes care of your order. Albin is the one who manages our warehouse and keeps a close eye on deliveries, customers, boxes, and much more. Albin is one of Sweden's fastest orienteers and even the fastest in middle distance in Västra Götaland. So with that experience behind him, he is excellent at navigating and packing quickly in the warehouse. We also have Hanna Andersson in the warehouse, who provides stability and adventure and has both Vasaloppet, Cykelvasan, and Ultravasan under her belt, so there is certainly enough endurance for us to get your order out on time ;)

Resellers & Associations

The elite cyclist Richard Larsén manages resellers and association collaborations for Umara alongside his own cycling career and coaching business. This cycling career has, among other things, made him a Swedish champion.

Why the name Umara?

Umara is an abbreviation of Tarahumara (they call themselves rarámuri). This is a population group in Mexico known for their seemingly superhuman capability. There have been rumors of performances, mostly barefoot, where they have run up to 70 miles in just over 48 hours. A pace that would mean the athlete would have to run around 35 miles a day if you whip out the calculator and do the math... In comparison, the recorded world record is 309.4 km in 24 hours, which is simply amazing. This corresponds to just over 46 minutes per mile, every mile for 24 hours!

Regardless of how real their performances are, they are a group that has had a tradition of moving on foot for hundreds of years, and regardless of age and gender, they run as a lifestyle. They consume their own sports drink called Iskiate during their long runs. According to legend, it consists mainly of corn flour, honey, cinnamon, and chia seeds, which provide energy.

Tarahumara reminds us of why we love Umara. We go our own way, and we see energy as a tool to get from point A to B faster than we've done before.

Training and competing is a lifestyle, not a fad!
Mountainbike Cyclist

Environment & Production

As a company, we continuously work to ensure the highest quality of our products while aiming to leave as minimal a climate footprint as possible. Below are some of the areas we are particularly proud of.


  • The products are developed by us here in Sweden.
  • All nutrition products are manufactured according to HACCP & GMP, which ensures quality and safety at the highest level.
  • All products that can be manufactured in Sweden are made in Sweden (this includes all powdered products as well as ready-mixed products, pills, capsules, protein bars). Remaining products are manufactured within the EU, except for Specialized Purist bottles which are made in the USA and some of our accessories like the Racebelt which is designed by us and then imported directly from China.


  • In product development, environmental considerations are always taken into account, and for each new product, we explore various models to minimize our climate footprint.

    • Examples of recently completed projects: Bottles made from sugarcane, polypropylene plastic that is 100% recyclable in our tubs, maximized fill levels in products to minimize air shipped, tailored packaging for maximized fill levels, and when needed, filler materials made of cardboard.

    • Examples of ongoing projects: Individually packaged gels/bars with lower plastic content and increased fill levels, bulk packaging for customers, scoops that can be opted out of tubs, i.e., not automatically included, etc.

Together, we drive Umara forward and continuously work in line with our vision of packaging performance for you as an athlete. Through education, community, and nutrition, optimized for your performance.