Umara's Awesome Energy School
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Umara's Awesome Energy School
It's probably not breaking news that we at Umara love diving deep into nutrition, training, and performance research, right? Besides finding it incredibly fun, it equips us better to share this knowledge with you, the athletes. Understanding how and why one should utilize energy and supplements to boost performance is a crucial step for every athlete in pursuit of faster records and higher performance.For this very reason, we've compiled some of our best articles below, aiming to clarify the basics of energy intake, its planning, and strategic implementation.
Why Should I Replenish with Carbohydrates During Training?
You might have heard seasoned endurance athletes claim things like, "no energy is needed under 4 hours," "real athletes just use water, no need for carbs," or "you need to train the body to utilize fat reserves." The mantra "it works for me" combined with sports experience can be persuasive when seeking advice. But what does the research truly indicate?
Read the full article here.
Push the Limit: Training for Energy Intake
Just as you optimize training with intense intervals, more anaerobic workouts, and race pace during the competition season, you can "train your stomach" to handle increased energy intake. Why is there a need to train for energy intake?
The principle of specificity is a common concept in training, meaning "you get good at what you train for." The same holds true for our energy absorption. The body excels in areas we consistently challenge.
Read the full article here.
Crafting an Effective Energy Plan
A well-constructed energy plan can often be the difference between setting a new personal best, securing a podium finish, or hitting a wall. Planning your intake, especially with discussions around the volume of fluids, grams of carbs, and intensity zones, might seem complex. However, it's not as daunting as you might think. In this piece, we delve into how you can create your personal energy strategy to always be optimally prepared for your competitions.
Read the full article here.

Supplements for Optimal Endurance Sport Performance
Navigating the myriad supplements available can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why we've provided a guide to the most researched supplements with the strongest evidence for enhancing performance. These include Nitrate/Beetroot juice, Caffeine, Bicarbonate, and Beta-Alanine, all of which have scientifically proven performance-boosting effects in endurance sports. All these supplements should be taken pre-physical activity for optimal results.
Read the full article here.
Navigating the myriad supplements available can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why we've provided a guide to the most researched supplements with the strongest evidence for enhancing performance. These include Nitrate/Beetroot juice, Caffeine, Bicarbonate, and Beta-Alanine, all of which have scientifically proven performance-boosting effects in endurance sports. All these supplements should be taken pre-physical activity for optimal results.
Read the full article here.