Contact / Store
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Company details & contact information
Umara ABBacka Strandgata 14
422 46, Hisings Backa
Gothenburg, Sweden
Organisational number: 5569310252
Registered VAT no: SE556931025201
Managing director / CEO: Simon Stark
Email - Office: [email protected]
Email Warehouse - Orders, claims, shipping-related inquiries: [email protected]
Email Warehouse - Orders, claims, shipping-related inquiries: [email protected]
Phone switchboard: +46 10 - 179 09 30
Opening hours for store visits or pickup of ordered items
Mon-Fri 08.00 - 16.30
For other times: Please contact us in advance via phone or email.
We prefer card or Swish but can also accept cash depending on the availability of change.

If you would like to contact us regarding a specific matter, please use the following contact information:
Competition / Event / Fair
Tommy - [email protected]
You can contact Tommy if you are organizing or participating in organizing a competition or event where Umaras products should be served. We have many different solutions for competitions and events, so contact Tommy for a unique solution tailored just for you.
David - [email protected]