Vitamin D3

14.5 €
168.6 € / kg
Umaras Vitamin D3 (2500 IU/62.5 µg) contributes to maintaining normal muscle function and the normal function of the immune system.
Selected variant: 2500IE (190st)
1-3 days deliveryIn stock

Product description

Dietary Supplement

Umaras Vitamin D tablets contain 2500 IU (International Units) of Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).

Vitamin D is used to maintain the normal function of the immune system and contributes to normal calcium absorption and normal blood calcium levels. Vitamin D also contributes to normal muscle function.

  • 6-month supply with 190 tablets.

  • 2500 IU, 62.5 µg/tablet

Developed by Biomedical Scientists in Sweden and manufactured in Sweden. All these steps are quality assurances to ensure that as a customer, you can always be confident that what you are purchasing is safe and of the highest quality.

All ingredients are approved by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). 100% vegan.

Manufactured according to HACCP / GMP standards.

Appearance of the product: Round, flat, non-coated tablets. Approximately 5mm in diameter.


Can one overdose on Vitamin D? The EU's scientific council, EFSA, has set a limit for the highest safe daily intake over a long period. The limit for adults is 100 micrograms/day (4000 IU). Side effects have been observed at daily intakes above 250 micrograms (10,000 IU). For children aged 1-10 years, the limit for a safe daily intake over time is 50 micrograms (2000 IU). U Vitamin D3 contains 62.5 micrograms (2500 IU) per dose/tablet.

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More information


Vitamin D3 (Kolekalciferol, 2500IE), fyllnadsmedel (E341, E460, E570b), stabiliseringsmedel (E468), smörjmedel (E470b).

2500IE, 62,5µg / 625% RDI


Allergener i innehållsförteckningen är utmärkta i fetmarkerad stil (i de fall allergener finns i produkten).

Safety information: Detta är ett kosttillskott och bör ej användas som ett alternativ till en varierad kost. Förvaras oåtkomlig för små barn. Tänk på vikten av en mångsidig och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil.
Usage instructions: 1 tablett om dagen (helst på morgonen) i samband med måltid. Överskrid inte rekommenderad daglig dos.
Quantity per package: 190
Storage: Torrt

Nutritional facts

Per 100 g Per 0.5 g
Vitamin D 62.5ug