Laura Gimmler blir ny ambassadör för Umara
2min läsning
En av de roligaste sakerna med att Umara växer och expanderar i Europa är alla fantastiska idrottare vi får möjlighet att prata med. Våra ambassadörer är mycket viktiga för Umara och gör ett fantastiskt jobb här i Sverige, så självklart vill vi ha lika awesome ambassadörer utomlands. Därför är vi väldigt stolta över att kunna välkomna den tyska landslagsåkaren i längdskidor, Laura Gimmler, till Team Umara! En av hennes styrkor är att hon är duktig både på sprint och distans. Vi tog en pratstund med Laura för att höra hur formen ser ut inför vintern.
Hi Laura, welcome to Team Umara, how has the training for the upcoming season been going?
"I’m really satisfied with my summer training. I trained well, achieved my training goals, did some more small steps in strength and technique and I had no bad sickness. Now the final preparation on snow will start soon. I’m looking forward to it :-)"
What will be your main goals for the season?
"Consistent results during the whole season and the best personal performance at the Worldchamps in Trondheim. And of course I am still dreaming and fighting for my first individual sprint World Cup podium."
How do you work with sport nutrition in training and racing?
"In training and competition, I focus on fueling my body to enhance performance and recovery. During training, I use mostly carbohydrate drinks for energy and after it protein for muscle recovery. Before, during and after sessions, I make sure to consume the right nutrients to support my muscles and prevent from fatigue.
In competitions, I rely on easily digestible gels, electrolytes, and bars to maintain energy levels, with hydration being priority. I adjust my nutrition based on my training goals to maximize both my performance and recovery."
Lastly some fast questions:
Intervals or zon2? Intervals
Sprint or distance races? Sprint
Classic or skate? Classic
Favourite Umara energy bar? U Bar blueberry
Tack Laura och igen välkommen till Team Umara!
Hi Laura, welcome to Team Umara, how has the training for the upcoming season been going?
"I’m really satisfied with my summer training. I trained well, achieved my training goals, did some more small steps in strength and technique and I had no bad sickness. Now the final preparation on snow will start soon. I’m looking forward to it :-)"
What will be your main goals for the season?
"Consistent results during the whole season and the best personal performance at the Worldchamps in Trondheim. And of course I am still dreaming and fighting for my first individual sprint World Cup podium."
How do you work with sport nutrition in training and racing?
"In training and competition, I focus on fueling my body to enhance performance and recovery. During training, I use mostly carbohydrate drinks for energy and after it protein for muscle recovery. Before, during and after sessions, I make sure to consume the right nutrients to support my muscles and prevent from fatigue.
In competitions, I rely on easily digestible gels, electrolytes, and bars to maintain energy levels, with hydration being priority. I adjust my nutrition based on my training goals to maximize both my performance and recovery."
Lastly some fast questions:
Intervals or zon2? Intervals
Sprint or distance races? Sprint
Classic or skate? Classic
Favourite Umara energy bar? U Bar blueberry
Tack Laura och igen välkommen till Team Umara!